The Jamaican Francophile A Blog for French Lovers and Learners


Check out my podcast Voice Notes from France, where I interview guests who are living or have lived abroad, to find out what it’s really like to start a new life in another country. Check it out on YouTube, Spotify and Deezer.

The Art of Redirection Pt. 2 with Keanu Solan Voice Notes from France

Hello world! On today's Voice Note from France we'll be picking up where we left off with Keanu, a Jamaican ALT based in Japan. He and I talk more about being financially responsible while enjoying the (non-monetary) richness of your new life. We also share how we're dealing with new experiences that was never a part of "The Plan" for our lives. So if you're interested, keep listening.
  1. The Art of Redirection Pt. 2 with Keanu Solan
  2. The Art of Redirection Pt. 1 with Keanu Solan
  3. The Language Assistant to PhD Student Pipeline with Nikieta Francis
  4. Building a Successful Business as an Expat with Hewley Griffith
  5. Teaching English in Japan, Loneliness and Dumb Americans Pt. 2 with Mikkala Hutchinson
  6. Teaching English, Loneliness and Dumb Americans Pt. 1 with Mikkala Hutchinson